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elwood class of 67


We have been unable to veryify contact information for several of our classmates. Many have retired and/or moved since our last reunion  If you have any contact information for the classmates listed below please click the button below to send us the information. If your name happens to appear on this list we would appreciate it if you would use the form to send us your updated information as well.

Class Member Form


Stan Alvery

Claude Jackson
Bill Ames Melvin Jackson
Sharon Anderson Soven-Austin Virginia James Ray
Gary Anders Gary Knotts
Larry Anderson Brenda Lee Bennett
Steven Beeman Lee Leisure
Kevin Blankenship Tom Leonard
Ronnie Brogdon George McDermit
Jed Brown Elizabeth McIntyre
Thomas Bryant Anita McPhearson
Mike Bryant Bonnie Metz Pilarczyk
Cherie Beckley David Mickley
John Chambers John O'Bryan
Dinah Clegg Jones Richard Rice
Diane Coe Pamela Patton Harless
Gregg Coffin Shirley Pelton Page
Wanda Coons Schokley Judy Pheneger Norris
Jerry Creamer Dallas Phifer
Kenneth Croy Gera Phillips Sego
Andy Daulton Emma Ponder
Rebecca Davenport McCray Jorman Prater
Rodrick Davis Else Marie Rahbek Pedersen
Mike Day Terry Reasoner
Barbara DeLawter Long Diana Rogers
Gary Dever Jimmie Rust
Tony Eller Valerie Salee
Steve Evans Steve Sanders
Mary Fettig Embrey Linda Shock
Kathy Fetz Streit Gary Short
Daniel Fletcher Stephanie Sizelove
Melodie Fouts Miller Kathie Skinner Porter
Cheryl French Huff Dale Sparkle
Billy Galbreath Ann Sullivan
Jewel Gerencser Dye Georgia Stage
Richard Gordon Mike Stevens
Nancy Graber Crouch Sandra Strickler
Michael Gregg Ramona Strange
Diana Hancher Powell Cindy Sullivan Yarden
Phillip Hewitt Howard Tryon
Jeffrey Hoffman John Wilburn
Carolyn Hoylman Galbreath Robert Wilson
Frances Hughes Russell Wilson
Martha Ingram Burk Jean Wiseman
  Kathy Young


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